Hi 👋
I’m a 🇲🇰 Macedonia-based software engineer, crypto enthusiast, former teaching assistant at FINKI, founder of ELD Engine, co-founder of Beyond Transport, and an eternal student.
This is my blog where I share my thoughts on #software and #personal development.
🎯 Past and Present Projects
Projects I’ve worked on:
- ELD Engine: My newest venture. Helping trucking companies by outsourcing their ELD department
- Beyond Transport: A transport management system (TMS)
- SeroSelectTB: A data management platform for a revolutionary tuberculosis (TB) detection device
- Stigni.mk: A ride-sharing platform during the COVID-19 pandemic
- A cryptocurrency exchange
- An email marketing platform
- An automated crypto mining pool
- A rig management system
- A web shop SaaS platform
- A city’s information and monitoring page for gas emissions
My interests include: system design, system architecture, UI/UX design, cloud computing, information security, virtualization, containerization, orchestration, DDD, distributed systems and storage solutions.
🌟 My Expertise
I can help you out with:
- Setting up cloud infrastructure solutions (DevOps/SRE)
- Setting up monitoring and logging systems
- Setting up CI/CD pipelines
- Setting up and configuring email systems
- System deployment
- Migrating and securing data
- Optimizing load-intensive and data-intensive systems
- Optimizing your storage solution
- System architecture
- System design
- Software development
- Domain-Driven Design (DDD)
- Project management
- Linux Administration
- Creating custom containers
- Automation for backups, TLS certificates, cluster scaling
- Implementation of Getting Things Done (GTD)
- GTD Implementation in Evernote
- Customizing an organization system in Evernote
As of 2024, I’m working as an independent contractor and a consultant. If you wish to book a meeting with me, you can do so here.
Email me if you’d like me to send you my CV.
✨ My Experience
In my experiences so far, I have:
- Coded front-end clients in pure JS and Angular
- Created RESTful APIs using Java/Spring, NodeJS/Express & Python/Django
- Implemented DDD principles
- Set up IaC for the infrastructure using Terraform and CloudFormation
- Coded BASH scripts
- Configured servers and routers using Ansible
- Set up and configured Postfix, Postgray, Dovecot, Roundcube, SpamAssassin
- Set up and configured Kubernetes for Docker orchestration
- Optimized applications using caching solutions such as Redis and Memcached
- Optimized storage solutions
- Set up reverse proxies and CDN solutions
- Managed projects from requirements engineering to system delivery
- And, most recently, coded an algorithm for spatial data and collision detection
If you wish to get a list of references from my previous projects, please email me and I’ll send it to you.
âš¡ Tools & Techonologies
Throughout the years, I’ve worked with various languages, tools, and frameworks. Here are a few of them:
- Programming languages: C/C++, Java, JavaScript/NodeJS, TypeScript, Python, BASH
- Frameworks: Spring/Spring Boot, ExpressJS, Django, Angular, Electron, Ionic
- Infrastructure as Code (IAC): Terraform, CloudFormation
- Automation: Ansible, Kubernetes
- Containerization and Orchestration: Docker, Kubernetes
- CI/CD: Jenkins, GitLab Pipelines, Travis CI
- SQL: PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB
- NoSQL: Redis, MongoDB
- Reverse Proxy: Traefik, Ngnix, Apache, Kong
- Messaging and Queues: Apache Kafka, Zookeeper, RabbitMQ, eMQTT
- Logging and Monitoring: Prometheus, Grafana, Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash, FluentD
- CDN: AWS CloudFront, Cloudflare
- Email: Postfix, Postgray, Dovecot, Roundcube
- ACME: CertBot
- Mapping and Cartography: Nominatim, Open Source Routing Machine (OSRM), OpenLayers
I’m primarily working with Java/Spring Boot and Angular. For cloud solutions, I’m most comfortable with AWS.
🌳 My Hobbies
I try to fill my days with various activities that will improve me both physically and mentally. For that reason, I try to:
- Read as many books, as possible (primarily self-help, communication, business and finance)
- Develop systems for personal organization, productivity and automation
- Exercise daily
- Practice stoicism
- Journal daily
- Meditate daily
- Go outside in nature
- Network with people
- Listen to interesting podcasts on Spotify
- Write here, whenever I can
I’m always happy to talk about these things over a cup of tea or coffee. If you’re unable but would like to buy me a coffee, you can do so here.
You don’t rise to the level of your goals.
You fall to the level of your systems.
– James Clear (in Atomic Habits)
Among the many quotes I’ve gathered from the books I’ve read, this is one of my favorites. It’s a reminder to me that goals alone are not enough. We need to build systems that will help us reach those goals.